Thanksgiving / Christmas Baskets
End of September, early November 2018, Pastor Brian's wife, Sandy approached the Congregation and inquired if they were interested in providing Thanksgiving Baskets to the needy and of course Congregation jumped at the chance. The Congregation came together under one accord in the Loving body of Christ. And was able to Bless twelve (12) families the meal was broke down to individual items and how many each item was needed for one basket. particular items were targeted. How many cans of corn, string beans, sweat potatoes and yams etc. Boxes of instant potatoes, stuffing, even dozen of eggs, rolls, and a roll of paper towels, pie and even the turkey throw away cooking pan and not to mention the Turkey which also came with pie's and ice cream . Bare in mind God's plan was exact, each box received the same total of items for the meal. Each box was complete and the same. The effort was so successful, they tried it again for Christmas, and Christmas too was a success.